
I paint what I paint, I paint what I see,
I paint what I think, said Rivera,
And the thing that is dearest in life to me
In a bourgeois hall is Integrity;*

“I paint what I see” A well worn artistic maxim. While literal, observational painting can provide the artist with many useful tools, the true energy in an artwork often has deeper origins. The eye of the intellect and the imagination are a much more powerful reservoir for painterly inquiry and parturition. It is there that you will find the delicious, enlightening, sole-searching, shocking, depraved items we should be looking to lay bare in great artworks. 

*Extract from E.B White’s poem “I paint what I see”. The New Yorker (May 20, 1933). Recreating the showdown between Diego Rivera and Nelson Rockefeller over political and philosophical differences related to mural commissioned for the Rockefeller Centre (1934).