


Oil on canvas: 150cm x 150cm x 3.2cm approx.
Signed and dated by the artist
Catalogue reference: CK-jj015

Lilith has long been depicted in various cultures as seductress, heroine and murderer, (Her ancient name a derivative of the Sumerian word for female demons— the lilītu) appearing, for example in Michelangelo’s Lilith tempting Adam and Eve “The Fall of Man and the Expulsion From Paradise” – Sistine Chapel Vatican.

In this work she also possesses the deadly charms of the femme fatale. She looks directly towards the viewer—wide eyed, yet her dilated gaze is glazed. Her left eye, in shadow, scans the far seas. She stares into the vast, blue beyond while knowing she is the focus of lustful intent.

See DESCRIPTION below for more information about this work and artist’s notes.


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Artists notes:

Wooden frame with horizontal brace

Although, here Lilith is only depicted in female form, (without serpent or fish tail characteristics) she possesses all the qualities of the classic mermaid siren. She clutches a piece of ship’s flag disinterestedly between two fingers. A shred of a pirate’s emblematic ensign (the skull and crossed bones), torn from one of the many ships she has visited—crew members of which she, doubtlessly lured deep to their watery graves, with her irresistible song and seductive silhouette. The line between her thighs provides a symbolic link between uterus and bleached white skull—the life line traveling from birth to death.

“A mermaid found a swimming lad,
Picked him for her own,
Pressed her body to his body,
Laughed; and plunging down
Forgot in cruel happiness
That even lovers drown.”
William Butler Yeats 1865-1939

“Lilith lived a life absent of marriage, children and family. She defines a life style celebrating self, eternal youth, perfect beauty and  indulgent materialism. Her men are weak and marginalised while she sets an expectation of female perfection, strength, enduring youth and eternal beauty.” Abstract from “Forever Barbie” by author M. G. Lord

Yeats, W.B. The collected Poems of W.B. Yeats (Wordsmith Editions Ltd, 1994, 2000) p 189
Lord, M.G. Forever Barbie: The Unauthorized Biography of a Real Doll (Avon Books, 1994)

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