


Stainless steel, acrylic resin, bronze sculpture: 20cm x 19m x 11cm approx.
Includes solid bronze mount: 20cm x 3cm x 11cm approx
Weight: 5.9 kg approx.
Strictly limited edition 1-12.
Raspberry-vanilla (6), Strawberry-banana (6)
Catalogue reference: A-JJ009-1-12

In brief, the work is a visual realisation of the polar extremes of child innocence and adult realities with homage (a nod of the proverbial chapeau) to the talent and dedication of the medical staff at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona a leading European hospital specialising in the treatment of children and adolescents.

Popsickle playfully juxtaposes two common objects. One associated with the carefree joys of childhood, the other with the more serious concerns and adult practice of the surgeon. The two items combine to have the handle of the scalpel mimic that of a lollipop stick. The work plays on the notion that the consumer of the popsicle may or may not be aware of the true nature and dangers of the object that lies beneath the sweet, enticing exterior.

See DESCRIPTION below for more information about this work and artist’s notes.


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Artist’s notes:

This surreal, vibrant, pop-art sculpture recounts acute memories of the artist, who’s daughter: at five years old, suddenly required heart surgery. Incorporated are the emotions and trauma relating to the jolting realisation of the situation and the questions arising around how best to inform a young innocent that they must undergo a very serious operation. Walker wishes to mention that the surgery was carried out by the incredibly gifted staff of the Hospital Sant Juan de Déu in Barcelona and that a percentage of the sale of the limited editions of Popsickle are to be donated to this publicly funded facility. 

Further relevant notes:
The popsicle was accidentally invented by an 11 year old boy Frank Epperson in San Francisco in 1905. However it only occurred to him as an adult that it it could be marketable. Incredibly, no one else had thought of the idea in the intervening time and he patented the “frozen ice on a stick” in 1923. Popsicle is an American brand name that has become synonymous with frozen, flavoured ice on a stick.

Swann-Morton are a world leaders in surgical scalpel manufacture. Founded in 1932 their headquarters, are in Sheffield, England (historically famed for its high quality steel making) a city close to the birthplace of the artist.

Hospital Sant Juan de Déu is a leading European hospital and teaching facility specialised in the treatment of children and adolescents. For specific mention: Freddy Prada. Surgeons: Dra Sanchez and Dr Mayol and the child psychology unit.This work is also dedicated to all parents and guardians who have found themselves in similar testing situations involving the health of a child.

Sources: Swann-Morton.com. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/a-brief-history-of-popsicles-92923396/
Accessed 30 October 2022

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