
Eschuca el mar (etching)


Plate etching: print 77cm x 95cm/30 x 37.4in
1/50: Unique work from a collection of of 50 pieces
2 plate impression with blue and silver ink
Framed and under glass
Rare, vintage 1970’s (water marked paper) 320g/m²
Manufactured by Guarro Casas Spain. Paper makers since 1698
Signed in pencil front. Additional STUDIO 46 pencil mark
Artist’s distinctive (scull and crab) red ink mark
Hand pressed at STUDIO 46. BARCELONA  2024
Print consultant: Virgili Barbará
Catalogue reference: AM-jj005-50
Editions 1 I 2 SOLD


Escucha el mar (Listen to the sea) is inspired by the childhood delight of pressing a shell to your ear to listen to the sound of the sea (in reality the amplified sound of circulating blood). In this work it is a reference to our collective need to listen to the needs of our seas and and take pro-active steps to ensure they are conserved and maintained. The work has been used as the main image to represent the ARTMED exhibition in support of the BLUEWAVE ALLIANCE. https://www.bluewavealliance.org

See DESCRIPTION below for more information about this work and artist’s notes.

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Artist’s notes:

Escucha el mar (Listen to the sea) is inspired by our need to conserve and rejuvenate the biodiversity and health of our seas. The shell pressed to the figures ear representing our need to “Listen to the sea“.

This work was created for the ARTMED exhibition in Barcelona (an exhibition organised over 3 city venues) during the staging of the 37th Louis Vuitton America’s Cup. The exhibition ARTMED was set-up to support the BLUEWAVE ALLIANCE a non-profit initiative (powered by ISDIN) that  promotes projects aimed at regenerating the Mediterranean Sea. https://www.bluewavealliance.org

The blue wave Alliance: Una iniciativa sin ánimo de lucro que apoya e impulsa proyectos destinados a rejuvenecer el mar Mediterráneo

The etching was created at the atelier and private gallery STUDIO 46 in Barcelona, where the artist often works. The legendary engraving workshop of STUDIO 46, in Barcelona is where some of the most famous and influential artists of the 20th Century created engravings, including Salvador Dalí, Joan Miró, Pablo Picasso, Joseph Beuys, Victor Vasarely, Eduardo Chillida, Antoni Tàpies, Richard Hamilton and Marc Chagall. The studio continues to thrive and has worked with/is working with Pitxot, Louise Bourgeois, Javier Mariscal, Lorenzo Quinn, Juliana Plexxo, JJ Walker and Jaume Plen

Each of the hand pressed etchings are marked with a hand drawn version of the ateliers contemporary mark which was designed by the artist JJ Walker.

PLEASE NOTE: The series of images is derived from the same plates. However the etching process is a labour intensive one in which each pressing has its own unique details. If you would like to see other images of this work please contact us at [email protected]

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